1800's Farmhouse where I grew up

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Get Your Grow On

Warm weather has finally broken the 70 degree barrier, and with Mother's Day weekend over, it is time to plant and get things growing.  Mt goal for the summer...to create my own little oasis in the backyard that I can retreat to whenever life gets me down, or just because school will be out and I CAN!  With so much to do I plan to enlist my daughter, who has a wealth of good ideas and jumps on my bandwagon with a hearty, "Do it!"
This weekend she is coloring her apartment balcony with flowers, pretty pots, and cozy candle lanterns to create her own little piece of heavenly privacy in a complex filled with hundreds of people.  At most, it may be 40 square feet, so when her ideas and energy become to big for her space, I will happily scoop up the excitement that remains and use her creativity and muscles for my own masterpiece.  Devious? Maybe, but we will both enjoy it immensely and then be able to sit back and revel in our accomplishments.
Today's drizzle and rain checks only on mulch at the home improvement chain allowed me to do very little to get my oasis started.  Some impatiens and coleus made it either into the ground or a pot, along with already blooming geraniums and spike plants.
It's a start. The Black Eyed Susan's I want to add in honor of my mom Susan will have to wait a few weeks until they reach the plant stands.
There is also a small pond..no fish...in the game plan that my husband is trying his best to nix.  How complicated can a pond with only water and rocks be to care for?!  I tend to see adding flower beds, expanding areas of mulch, and yes adding ponds as LESS work ( AKA mowing) for my hubby.  He just doesn't see it that way.
As the next few days bring rain and wash the pollen from the air, trees, and my burgundy-turned-green car, I will sit back and dream up some idyllic elements to the retreat I want to build.  Like most projects, it will be ongoing, but I still plan to steal some moments to kick back and relax. To enjoy the scenery and my labor of love.
A warm country hug to all,
Lisa <3


  1. YES!! haha time to get started :-) I can't wait!!

  2. Lisa, I have tadpoles and snails in my pond along with the water plants it is so much easier to care for than with fish. I love the sound that the fountain makes. Debbie
