1800's Farmhouse where I grew up

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Hills Are Alive

My most recent visit with Mom was spent as it usually is....with time to talk, hold hands, give her a snack, and SING.  Music soothes and helps pass the time productively. Sue was a real fan of musicals, and one of our family favorites was The Sound of Music.  My sister Lynn was blessed with a gift for piano, and accompanied an amazing number of sing alongs in our house.
Yesterday, as I was quietly singing my repertoire of songs (sounding just like Julie Andrews, minus the British accent of course), I was elated when Mom actually seemed to try to sing along.  Sometimes I get a few humming sounds from her, but in this case, a musical word escaped her. It was wonderful.
As kids we loved that musical. We loved it so much that one summer we enlisted all of our neighborhood friends to participate in putting on the first ever Pennwood Play. The cast of about seven guys and girls spent days (weeks?) practicing until we were ready for our opening night (afternoon).  The details of the production are a little fuzzy, but I remember insisting I have the part of Lisel.  I have no idea who played which other part, or parts, as seven actors didn't stretch very far when there were so many characters. I do remember arguments, frustration, and fun! It is my hope that, after reading this, the other participants will remind me of what I have forgotten.
It was the first and last play our little group put on. For obvious logistical reasons, and the fact that we always had to return to school in the fall, the curtain went down on our show. The fact that we returned to school only put things on hold until school let out again for vacation, though. The long summers spent together always led to one imaginative escapade or another.   It was a good group, and I still think of them all fondly.
A warm country hug to all,
Lisa <3


  1. Lisa, I can't remember who played which parts, we did have fun though. I watched Camelot last week and remebered that your mom took us to see that movie.

  2. I remember the play, but not the parts either. Didn't we hang an actual curtain to open?

  3. Lynn, we had a sheet for the curtain, remeber when we made tents out of sheets and blanket, I remeber sleeping out in it one night. We spent hours rearranging it on your mom's clothes lines.
